วันพุธที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555
วันอังคารที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Assignment 4 --> Cause and Effect
1.A:Vomiting in the morning is caused by pregnancy.
1.B:Dizzy symptoms are caused by stress.
2.A:The rain caused discomfort.
3.A:Negligence caused the accident.
9.A:A little exercise cause obesity.
9.B:Headache caused by reading more than 10 books.
13.B:Have a backache caused by standing for long periods.
วันจันทร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
ห่วงโซ่อาหารAssignment 3 --> Narration
Food chain
Trophic relationships of organisms to one another in the eating chips from manufacturers to consumers. Result in the transfer of energy in a continuous sequence of eating together.
I read an article on the food chain.
The food chain is a producer, consumer, animal and plant.
Manufacturers include eggplant and bean plants, algae and consumers include animals, which animals can be classified into three categories: herbivores and carnivores, herbivores and meat.
The herbivorous animals such as cows and deer mice.
Zoo carnivores such as bears, cats hawks.
Eat both plants and animals, such as lions and raccoon eat meat.
Although these animals will eat the plants, animals, or plants and animals are not immune to the human food which is the final consumer.

วันพุธที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Assignment 1 - -.> Listening
At thailand.Afternoon on Monday 5 November 2012 , Jone walk go inside a drugstore of doctor Somchai,because there is the symptoms has a fever about the stomach and headache and have symptoms diarrhoea ,because of Jone drink wine and the dinner before go to bed.
Doctor Somchai give and advice that should born from drinking wine make have the symptoms must eat the mineral. must paracetamol for abate the symptoms headache and eat a medicine If stomach acid to relieve pain, improve diet, it is recommended that physicians need to look carefully at a hospital.
Doctor Somchai give and advice that should born from drinking wine make have the symptoms must eat the mineral. must paracetamol for abate the symptoms headache and eat a medicine If stomach acid to relieve pain, improve diet, it is recommended that physicians need to look carefully at a hospital.
วันศุกร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555
Assignment 2--> Definition Writing
1. Common
cold refer to diseases caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract
which clear nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dry or sore throat, a dry cough
or sputum slightly.
2. Cancer refers to a group of diseases in which cells grow abnormally genetic type of cancer caused by the symptoms fatigue loss of appetite weight loss.
3.stress is not a disease that is almost always the easiest person to experience more or less stress, stress is not a disease which symptoms are signs of stress will occur in the body that is controlled by autonomic nervous. The autonomic nervous they function more as many symptoms.
4.conjunctivitis a common eye disease that causes inflammation of the conjunctiva, which may be caused by the bacteria. Viruses often hand contact. Handkerchief or towel. Eye pain.
5. insomnia insomnia is a symptom that can be found in a variety of diseases in which a group of non-communicable disease, many forms of insomnia, difficulty sleeping or wake up from sleep and staying asleep at night. not normally fall asleep or wake up early than to have a shallow sleep and fatigue during the day usually. Unhealthy brain may be irritability drowsiness.
6.Disease anorexia is a disorder of behavior. Found about 0.5 to 1 percent of late adolescence and early adulthood by 90 percent of patients were female, which is in a group of non-communicable diseases, the symptoms are the first symptoms is the uncertainty of the age, body weight, anorexia food.
7.immunity Our system is designed to protect the body from foreign substances that may harm the body, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, bacteria and various fungi infections innate immune system of the body, including the skin directly exposed to antigen.
5. insomnia insomnia is a symptom that can be found in a variety of diseases in which a group of non-communicable disease, many forms of insomnia, difficulty sleeping or wake up from sleep and staying asleep at night. not normally fall asleep or wake up early than to have a shallow sleep and fatigue during the day usually. Unhealthy brain may be irritability drowsiness.
6.Disease anorexia is a disorder of behavior. Found about 0.5 to 1 percent of late adolescence and early adulthood by 90 percent of patients were female, which is in a group of non-communicable diseases, the symptoms are the first symptoms is the uncertainty of the age, body weight, anorexia food.
7.immunity Our system is designed to protect the body from foreign substances that may harm the body, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, bacteria and various fungi infections innate immune system of the body, including the skin directly exposed to antigen.
8.Stroke Caused by lack of blood to the brain. Due to blockage of the arteries that bring blood to the brain, which is in contact with the symptoms of the disease. Blurred vision blurred vision. Numbness half. Weak and distorted face.
9.Chicken Pox is a disease caused by a virus Wario Sella plateau vesicular rash symptoms are clear pustule spread along the back and front of the torso and fever, which are among the symptoms of the disease.
10.Placebo has been defined as. "... A substance or procedure that is not specific to the state."This is used to treat patients with depression, Parkinson’s disease, and ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
11. People who have been ....... hypnotherapy hypnotic psychedelic feel like to fall asleep with hypnosis will make people fall asleep during sleep, which is a step in the treatment of diseases or controls. thoughts of others. To treat anxiety, subclinical depression, and certain disorders.
วันจันทร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555
11th assignment : Classification Writing 54110530
Animal are belonged to 2 types : Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Examples of Reptiles , Fish , Amphibians are Bird and Mammals.Invertebrates Examples of Protozoa,Coelenterates,Flatworms, Arthropods, Annelid worms, Molluscs and Echinoderms.Arthropods Examples of Arachnids,Crustaceans,insects and Myriapods.
Plant kingdom can be classified into 2 group:Spore Bearing Plants and Seed Bearing Plants. Examples of Algae,Mosses or Liveworts and Ferns.Seed Bearing Plants Examples of Flowering or Angiosperms and Conifers or Gymnosperms.
วันอังคารที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555
8th assignment : Grammar for Writing 54110530
B. Rewrite the entire passage, but change Mark to Mary. You will write about a woman instead of a man.
Mark/Marry lives in the city, but he enjoys being outdoors. When he/she can, he/she spends
his/her time outside. He/She doesn’t take a subway to work. He/She rides his/her bicycle. He/She
doesn’t eat lunch in a restaurant. He/She
makes his lunch
himself/herself and
eats it in
the park.
Museums don’t
interest him/her and concerts bore him/her. He/She prefers to
be outdoors and
he/she chooses to
entertain himself/herself.
Every morning he/she
runs and
plays tennis in the park
and almost every
weekend he/she
goes hiking in
the country.
Bad weather
doesn’t stop him/her. He/She
even gets out in the rain. Mark/Marry is a healthy person. His/Her
outdoor exercise makes him/her so.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555
10th assignment : Combining Sentence
We can combine two or more sentences into a
single sentence. We may do this because sentences are closely related in
meaning and belong together, and because it is boring to read a series of short
sentences that have a similar structure. (The preceding sentence, by the way,
is a combination of 4 sentences -- can you find them?) When we talk about
combining sentences, we will often use the word clause which is a
group of words containing a subject and a verb. So, we will say that the
sentence I know you and you know me. contains two clauses rather than
saying that it contains two sentences. A sentence that contains only one clause
is called a simple sentence.
There are a number of different ways to combine
sentences: punctuation coordination subordination reduction apposition
PUNCTUATION: Sentences can
be combined by using special punctuation marks. We know that a period [ . ] question
mark [ ? ] and exclamation point [ ! ]
are used at the end of a sentence, so they cannot be used for combining
sentences. We also know that a comma [ , ] is not strong
enough to connect 2 sentences. (If you use a comma to try to connect 2
sentences you will have a type of run-on sentence called a comma
splice, which is not acceptable.)So what kinds of punctuation marks can be used
to connect sentences? There are 3 punctuation marks that are stronger than a
comma but weaker than a period, question mark, or exclamation point. These are
the dash [ -- ] colon [ : ]
and semi-colon [ ; ].
A dash is used to add more information about
some part of your sentence. It is rather informal and although you may see it
when you read, it is better to avoid this punctuation in your writing.
A colon is also used to add more information
and especially to give examples of something in the sentence. What follows a
colon may be a clause He is a great athlete: he plays soccer, baseball and
basketball. or a group of words that cannot stand by themselves He
plays many sports: soccer, baseball and basketball.
A semi-colon is used to connect clauses and is
the most important punctuation mark for combining sentences. It can be used
alone to connect clauses He's not heavy; he's my brother. It can also
be used to connect clauses together with special linking words such as however, morover, therefore which
grammar books call conjunctive adverbs I think; therefore, I am. Remember,
it is the semi-colon and not the conjunctive adverb that connects the clauses.
marks [ " " ] and parentheses [ ( ) ] are used to
insert one sentence inside of another sentence, but this is not really sentence
combination and will not be discussed here.
COORDINATION: Coordination
is a way of adding sentences together. In this type of sentence (grammar books
call it a compound sentence) the 2 or more sentences (clauses) which are
combined are equal partners. One clause is not more important than the other
grammatically. Words that connect clauses in this way are called coordinating
conjunctions and the most common ones are: and, or, but, so.
And is used to join clauses that contain
additional information I bought a ticket and I
got on the bus.
Or is
used to join clauses that contain choices or alternatives Write me a letter or send an e-mail message.
But is used to join clauses that contain
opposing ideas I arrived early but no one was
So is used to join clauses that contain
ideas of cause and effect The jacket didn't fit
so I took it back to the store.
SUBORDINATION: Subordination
is a way of combining sentences that makes one sentence more important than the
other. One sentence is under the other sentence (submeans under). Sentences
that use subordination (grammar books call them complex sentences) have a
main clause or independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses or dependent
One or more of when, although, if(called subordinating
conjunctions) or such words as who, what, that (called relative
pronouns). Depending on its function, a subordinate clause can be classified as
noun clause --
a subordinate clause used like a noun (it can be a subject or object) I
don't know what you are talking about
clause a subordinate clause that modifies or gives information about a noun I
read the letter that was on your desk
adverb clause a
subordinate clause that functions like an adverb I will call you after
I get back from the movie
REDUCTION: We can go one step beyond reducing one of the
sentences to a subordinate clause. We can reduce it to less than clause. We can
reduce it to a phrase (a group of words without both a subject and
verb). A sentence may be reduced to a:
participial phrase The boy, scared
by the movie, began to cry. The boy was scared by the movie. The boy began
to cry
gerund phrase Studying
for the test increased his confidence. He studied for the
test. He felt confident
phrase She was excited to see the movie star in the
restaurant. She saw the movie star in the restaurant. She was excited
phrase The story in the newspaper was interesting. There
was a story in the newspaper. The story was interesting
APPOSITION: In apposition, we take a word or phrase and
place it in a parallel position to a noun in the sentence. An appositive is
like a
statement surrounded not by parentheses but by commas
Sara, the
most serious student in the class, always did her homework. Sara was the
most serious student in the class. Sara always did her homework.
วันพุธที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555
สุวรรณี บวรชาติ 54110530 งานที่ 9
9th assignment : Sentence Writing
Sentence Pattern 1
1. I read.
2. I swim.
3. She
4. Mary throws.
Pattern 2
1.I read
book at the mall with my friend at 12.12.
2. I swim at the mall with my mother at 11.15 am.
3. she
drinks mike at 22.00 with my mother.
4. He throws
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555
นางสาว สุวรรณี บวรชาติ 54110530 Sec.3 P.H.
ส่วนประกอบ Dictionary page
ส่วนประกอบ Dictionary page
Headword คำหลักคำหัวบทแทรกหรือบางครั้งคำพูดติดปากคือคำที่อยู่ภายใต้ที่ตั้งของที่เกี่ยวข้อง
compound word คําประสมจะทำเมื่อทั้งสองคำจะเข้าร่วมในรูปแบบคำใหม่
world class เป็นการบ่งบอกถึงลักษณะ หน้าที่ ของคำศัพท์นั่นว่าเป็นอะไร เช่น noun , verb , adj.
example using หัวข้อบทเรียน : แนะนำตัวอย่าง (โดยใช้"ตัวอย่างเช่น"และวลีเช่น"ตัวอย่างเช่น")
entry เป็นข้อมูล ขอบเขต ของความหมายของคำศัพท์นั้นๆ
phonetic type เกี่ยวกับเสียงพูด เกี่ยวกับการออกเสียง ซึ่งมีการออกเสียงตรงกัน
definition / meaning คำจำกัดความ คำนิยาม การกำหนด ความหมายมากกว่า 1 ความหมายก็ได้
วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555
นางสาว สุวรรณี บวรชาติ 541105301st assignment : roots and affixes
Root รากศัพท์ (Root or Stem) เป็นส่วนที่แสดงถึงความหมายพื้นฐานหรือความหมายหลัก
ตัวอย่าง Root
| |||
aqua | water | aquatic | เกี่ยวกับน้ำ |
audi | hear | audible | ที่ได้ยินได้ |
auto | self | autobiography | ชีวประวัติส่วนตัว |
bene | good , well | beneficial | ที่เป็นประโยชน์ |
bio | life | biology | ชีววิทยา |
chron | time | chronology | การลำดับวันเดือนปี |
dred | believe | credible | ที่เชื่อถือได้ |
derm | skin | hypodermic | (การฉีดยา) ใต้ผิวหนัง |
Prefix แปลว่า “อุปสรรค”หมายถึงคำที่ใช้เติมเข้าข้างหน้าคำอื่น “Prefix” = อุปสรรค ในภาษาอังกฤษอุปสรรคที่ใช้กันมากมักพบเห็นบ่อย ๆ มีอยู่ 10 ตัว
1. Un- (ไม่) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำคุณศัพท์ (Adjective)
2. Im- (ไม่) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำคุณศัพท์ (Adjective)
3. In- (ไม่) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำคุณศัพท์ (Adjective)
4. Re- (อีก) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำกริยา (verb)
5. Dis- (ไม่) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้ากริยา (verb)
6. Mis- (ผิด) ใช้สำหรับนำหน้าหรือเติมหน้าคำกริยา (verb)
7. Pre- (ก่อน) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำนาม (Noun)
8. Tri- (สาม) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำนาม
9. Bi- (สอง) ใช้สำหรับเติมหน้าคำนาม
10. En- อุปสรรคตัวนี้ไม่มีคำแปลเป็นเอกเทศ เพียงแต่ว่าเมื่อนำไปเติมข้างหน้าคำนาม
Suffix (ปัจจัย) คือ ส่วนของคำที่อยู่ท้ายคำบ่งบอกความหมายและหน้าที่ของคำเพื่อให้รากศัพท์มีความหมายชัดเจนขึ้นเช่น"ful" แปลว่า เต็มไปด้วย เพราะฉนั้น careful จึงแปลว่า เต็มไปด้วยเช่น careful beautiful useful meaningful ดังนั้นคำที่ลงท้ายด้วย "_ful"
an, -ean, -ian person or thing that is of or belongs to ประชาชนหรือ สิ่งของของประเทศนั้น ๆ
; person skilled in or studying the subject ผู้ชำนาญในวิชาการ American historian
-able, -ible capable of; having; changeable-al, -ial of; concerning; related to menta
-an, -ean, -ian of; belonging of American
-ant, -ent causing pleasant
-ate full of affectionate
-ed having surprised
-en made of wooden
-ish belonging to having thecharacter of Swedish, childish
-ive, -ative, -itive having the quality of explosive
-less without careless -like similar to childlike
-ly like in manner, nature orappearance; motherly
-ous, -eous, -ious causing dangerous
-some full of in all lonesome
-y full of; like that of rainy, silky
unfair หมายถึง ซึ่งไม่ยุติธรรม
unhappy หมายถึง โชคร้าย
unfortunately หมายถึง น่าเสียดาย
uncertainty หมายถึง ความไม่มั่นใจ
immobilize หมายถึง (ทำให้)เคลื่อนที่ไม่ได้
impound หมายถึง ยึดไว้
impossible หมายถึง ซึ่งเป็นไปไม่ได้
insensitive หมายถึง ไม่รู้สึก
incautious หมายถึง ซึ่งไม่ระมัดระวัง
inattention หมายถึง การปล่อยปละละเลย
injunction หมายถึง คำสั่งห้าม
disapprove หมายถึง ไม่เห็นด้วย
disinfect หมายถึง ฆ่าเชื้อโรค
disclaimer หมายถึง ข้อความปฏิเสธความรับผิดชอบ
บทความ (Atom)