วันจันทร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

11th assignment : Classification Writing 54110530


Animal are belonged to 2 types : Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Examples of  Reptiles , Fish , Amphibians are Bird and Mammals.Invertebrates Examples of  Protozoa,Coelenterates,Flatworms, Arthropods, Annelid worms, Molluscs  and  Echinoderms.Arthropods Examples of Arachnids,Crustaceans,insects and Myriapods.


Plant kingdom  can be classified into 2 group:Spore Bearing Plants and Seed  Bearing Plants. Examples of Algae,Mosses or Liveworts and Ferns.Seed  Bearing Plants  Examples of Flowering or Angiosperms and Conifers or Gymnosperms.

วันอังคารที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

8th assignment : Grammar for Writing 54110530

        B.   Rewrite the entire passage, but change Mark to Mary.  You will write about a woman instead of a man.
    Mark/Marry lives in the city, but he enjoys being outdoors. When he/she can, he/she spends his/her time outside. He/She doesn’t take a subway to work. He/She rides his/her bicycle.  He/She doesn’t eat lunch in a restaurant.  He/She  makes  his  lunch  himself/herself  and  eats  it  in  the  park. 
Museums don’t interest him/her and concerts bore him/her.  He/She prefers  to  be  outdoors  and  he/she chooses  to  entertain  himself/herself.   Every  morning  he/she runs  and  plays  tennis  in  the  park  and  almost  every  weekend  he/she  goes  hiking  in  the  country.
Bad weather doesn’t stop him/her.  He/She even   gets out in the rain. Mark/Marry is a healthy person.  His/Her outdoor exercise makes him/her so.